
Formswift: A power of attorney form template you can personalize

Our user-friendly template guides you through the process, ensuring you have a comprehensive and personalized power of attorney tailored to your specific needs.

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A person sits at a table, in front of their laptop, looking through some paperwork.
What is a power of attorney?

A power of attorney is a legal document, also known as a “POA”. It grants authority to an individual (the agent or attorney-in-fact) to make decisions and act on behalf of another person (the principal).

It also ensures someone trusted can manage important affairs when the principal is not able to.

An older couple organize their plans, with one reading from their mobile device as the other makes notes on Post-Its.
Why should you use a power of attorney?

A power of attorney helps you plan for unexpected incapacity or absence, and gives someone the authority to make decisions about end-of-life care on your behalf.

The advance directive gives you peace of mind, continuity in decision-making, and help managing personal, financial, or legal matters.

A person sits in a chair at a desk, stroking their beard with one hand, while the other holds a mobile device on their lap.

When to use a power of attorney

A power of attorney should be considered when an individual wants to proactively plan ahead.

That could be in case they become incapacitated, are temporarily absent, or when they need assistance in managing specific affairs.

A power of attorney can be used in various situations

Medical emergencies, financial transactions, legal proceedings, or even during military deployments: There’s plenty of occasions when a power of attorney can come in handy.

A person working on their laptop while sitting at a kitchen table and having a drink.
And covers all sorts of different areas

A power of attorney (POA) can cover financial institutions, legal, medical, health care decisions, real estate, personal property, or personal matters.

It all depends on the specific type of power of attorney executed. That’s why choosing the right template is so important.

A bird's-eye view of someone working on their laptop in dim lighting, with a hot drink in their hand.

Types of power of attorney

There are different types of power of attorney, each serving specific purposes.

General power of attorney

Grants broad powers to the agent to handle various matters on behalf of the principal, such as estate planning.

Limited power of attorney

Grants specific powers for a particular purpose or within a defined timeframe.

Durable power of attorney

Remains in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated to ensure continuity of decision-making—for example, the medical power of attorney.

What's included in a power of attorney?

A power of attorney document typically includes:

  • The names and contact details of the principal and agent
  • Scope of authority granted
  • Any limitations or conditions
  • Effective date
  • Signatures of the principal, agent, and witnesses

The exact details will depend on the jurisdiction and purpose of the document.

A person sits looking through files while on their mobile device.

How to get a power of attorney up and running

You can easily use Formswift’s quick, simple-to use template to create a power of attorney (POA).

Then all you need to do is add the final touches to your power of attorney so it’s ready to go, whenever you need it.

Once you have carefully reviewed and understood the clauses mentioned above, sign and date the agreement to grant your agent permission to handle your financial decisions and legal affairs if you become incapacitated.

Use either of the following formats when signing the POA form: "[Principal's name], by [Agent's name] under POA" or "[Agent's name], attorney-in-fact for [Principal's name]".

A person holding a tablet device sits and signs a document electronically using its touch screen.

Include your name and the name and contact details of your Agent. This should include your agent's full name, address, and county of residence. Remember, your agent must be at least 18 years old and mentally capable.

A hand using a pass to gain access.

After specifying the powers granted to your agent, provide information about your witnesses. In most states, a durable power of attorney document requires notarization and must be witnessed by two individuals. Ensure the following details are provided for each witness:

  • Full Name
  • Full Address (including city, state, and ZIP code)
  • Telephone Number
  • Signature
A hand holding a large closed envelope.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, it’s possible to appoint multiple agents. You can specify whether they can act jointly, independently, or require unanimous agreement.

Often a power of attorney is  given to a family member(s) or close friend(s) that you trust to follow the special instructions laid out in the advance directive.

It depends on the type and specific provisions stated within the document. Some powers of attorney are effective immediately and remain in effect until revoked, while others may have a specific duration.

Yes, a power of attorney can be revoked at any time, as long as the principal is mentally competent.

A written revocation document should be signed, notarized, and provided to all relevant parties for the revocation of power of attorney. Note that most states do require written notice of revocation to the person named to act for the principal.

Unfortunately, we can’t make that call for you. If you need legal advice regarding your POA—or on any legal matter—it’s always a good idea to consult with an attorney.

Yes, a power of attorney should remain valid even if the principal changes their state of residence.

No, a power of attorney is automatically terminated upon the principal's death. Afterward, the executor or personal representative of the deceased's estate assumes the responsibilities and decision-making authority.

Create a Power of Attorney by State

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